Letztes Update:

Fifth Pitch: GlobAlert

The fifth pitching team presents an "Emergency Audio Alert System".
"The world is a dangerous place, because of Tsunamis, Earthquakes or Incidents and so on. Makes it crucial to survive", Florian Novak opens the presentation.

Team GlobAlert is sure: Countries and governments need an improved Alert System based on an old medium: The radio. The radio infrastructure can be "the last man standing" when tsunamis or earthquakes occure. Power grids and wireless infrastructures collapse, they are more vulnerable than FM transmitters, says the team.

Any audio system can be an alert system: Radio, TV or any other media channel for instance.

Ornella Waechter

Fourth Pitch: Divvy

„Share the audio you love with the ones you love“, thats the slogan of team Divvy.

But have you ever heard content and thought to yourself: I want to share that? Maybe the content you listen to remdinds you on a person. The Alexa skill Divvy allows you to share short audio clips immediately.

For example: While you're listening to your favorite radio show you can ask Alexa: „Share the last twenty seconds with Steve!“ And voilá: You have shared the audio clip with your friend Steve. This is Divvy!

And even if Alexa had some problems to understand what Team Divvy wanted to present, the pitch came to a good end. 

Johannes Pucher