Letztes Update:

Wrapping it up and taking it forward

The Closing Plenary is bringing together the key messages from our two days of discussions.

To join the plenary follow this link and click on the blue link to join.

Annette McGill

Session 15: Removing the barriers to upscaling

This session reviewed the barriers to applying LLA and examined ways to overcome these barriers to get to grips with putting the LLA principles into practice for upscaling CBA.

One of the eight LLA principles is to provide "patient and predictable funding" so that finance can be accessed more easily by communities to implement adaptation more effectively.

Power shift
Heather McGray, director of the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) shared details of a transformative power shift within CJRF's governance structure: CJRF is in the process of bringing in a new board comprised of activists and practitioners who will take over from funder representatives.

McGray said: "We hope this handing over of power will bring new creativity and generate new ideas for providing support that is more flexible, longer term and more patient."

Annette McGill