Letztes Update:
Actors pushing for Shock Responsive Social Protection in southern Africa also need to check whether there is a duplication of efforts among different humanitarian organizations and governmental agencies when trying to act in anticipation Sammy Mbuguah, Regional Delegate, Cash and Social Protection, British Red Cross 13:49

Introducing cash and voucher assistance in Eswatini

Siphelele Mkonta, the Disaster Management Coordinator of Baphalali Eswatini Red Cross, pointed out that when introducing cash and voucher assistance as early actions to the national and local stakeholders involved in Eswatini, they had to at first convince them that any misuse of money would be prevented when providing cash as part of anticipatory action.

Hilla Wessel

There are more people in need of support than funding is available, which make mechanisms like piggybacking necessary, where we use an existing database to target people who are expected to be affected by an impending disaster and can thereby save costs and time! Emilie Guinier, Global Surge Cash/FSL, British Red Cross 13:46