Letztes Update:

Integrated systems for targeting

Unlocking the potential of Social Protection for Anticipatory Action in southern Africa – Social Protection Narratives from eSwatini and Lesotho. Mr Setlaba Phalatsi, National Information Systems for Social Assistance Manager (NISSA), Ministry of Social Development, Lesotho, talked about his government´s vision for a harmonized targeting for social assistance Programs (pre- and post-disasters) via a single national registry for all social protection programmes and their current exploration of sustainable methods for constant updating of NISSA.

Hilla Wessel

Inclusive databases for anticipatory action

Inclusive databases are key for anticipatory humanitarian action, according to Setlaba Phalatsi, NISSA Manager, who introduced the NISSA database. The database was developed and is being maintained by the Ministry of Social Development in Lesotho since 2012 helping to address shocks and disasters. In 2021, it will finally expand from limited- to full coverage.

Hilla Wessel


High-level opening panel