Letztes Update:

Learning how to recognise and counteract hate speech

The Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe says education and information campaigns are particularly important in order to combat hate speech, says Julia Mozer, Communication and Policy Officer, CEJI. She heads an online learning platform to help people identify hate speech and take action against it. Training individuals and institutions alike is an objective approach to containing hate speech, and counteracting it on a range of levels.

Sabrina Fabian

Markus Reinisch, Facebook We are calling for more regulation. That is also our responsibility - together with governments.  10:19

Facebook's responsibility

Facebook sees itself as an interface between society and business. The social media network enables communication but is also an advertising and marketing platform. "We have a responsibility to protect public speech," says Markus Reinisch, responsible for policy in Europe, Middle East and Africa for Facebook in London. "We rely on advertising. And we cannot have that right next to hate speech."

Felix Winnands