Letztes Update:

Council of Europe recommendations

“We make recommendations to the member states," says Director General of DG Democracy, Council of Europe Snežana Samardžić-Marković. That includes a committee of experts develop a clear definitiion of hate speech, in order to make it easier to take legal action against it. 

Felix Winnands

Protect victims, delete hate speech

Austria's Minister for the EU and Constitution formerly worked as a lawyer - and is familiar with attacks online, having also been subject to them herself. "We are obliged to protect victims and delete hate speech," she says. What's important is to protect democracy and the rule of law. 

Felix Winnands

Karoline Edtstadler, Minister for the EU and Constitution, Austria If we see hate speech moving onto the streets, we need to act. 10:12

European instruments against hate speech

The Council of Europe is taking a range of measures to strengthen legal areas and help them counteract hate speech, including educating the public about laws and rights. But further instruments to regulate speech online include representatives, resolutions and the Council of Europe's recommendations to EU member states.

Sabrina Fabian


Day 2 – Keynote speech

Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe For many, the internet is a way to express their opinions - although it also acts as a megaphone for those who want to spread hatred online.  09:59