Letztes Update:

International approach to education

Those involved in civil society education need to bear in mind the range of different cultural contexts and backgrounds. There are differences, not only in terms of language but also the ways people communicate - an area the CEJI (A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe) is working on together with different international organisations.

Sabrina Fabian

Who should block Donald Trump?

Markus Reinisch defended Facebook's decision to block Donald Trump's account. “The former US president was spreading hate speech and our internal regulations determine our response to that." He also conceded that there had also been justified criticism of the company's actions.

Felix Winnands

Responses from the audience

Have you been a victim of hate speech?
70 percent of respondents said they been exposed to hate speech at least once. 

Was it the right decision to block Donald Trump's Twitter account?
74 percent said yes it was.

In a democracy, who should regulate content in social media?
91 percent say regulation is the government's job.

Sabrina Fabian