Letztes Update:

Banning insults

It's a fine line when it comes to local politics. Critical discussions are needed in local politics, says Roth. But the tone needs to stay respectful in local councils and parliaments, and should not become insulting. 

Felix Winnands

Conclusions from the Local Involvement workspace No one should profit from hate speech - including political opponents. 14:18

Take young people seriously

Young people also need to be aware that hate speech is a serious issue. "There are real consequences for hate speech - that's something everyone needs to be aware of. Just because someone is younger, that can't be an excuse," says Roth. However, it's also key to take young people and their problems seriously when they become victims.

Felix Winnands

Conclusions from the Youth (Anti)culture workspace When we're talking about education, we need to take holistic approaches and realise this is a life-long undertaking. 14:15

Setting the tone and protecting it

Minister of State Michael Roth says the tone of political debate may not be allowed to deteriorate further. "I expect all the parties to act on this. Everyone has to get behind this: There are taboos and there's also hatred, lies and deception."

Felix Winnands

Conclusions from the Political Communication workspace We have to stop being defensive and go into the offensive, to really address the threat of hate speech. 14:12