Letztes Update:
Julia Bläsius, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Antifeminism is an age-old problem that's gained a new quality and new dimensions through hate speech. 14:32

When politics attacks

Michael Roth agrees with Gilda Sahebi, saying populist groups sometimes instrumentalise hate speech, particularly where the boundaries blur between populism and nationalism. Unfortunately also in the Bundestag.

Sabrina Fabian

Gilda Sahebi, Journalist Hate directed towards people who are marginalised sometimes comes from political groups. 14:28
Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office I expect people to stand up for others and protect them - and say, "we won't accept that!" 14:27

Dialogue as equals

The quality of our democracy is measured in how well we deal with marginalised groups, says Minister of State Roth. All of these communities have the right to be protected by the state - so it is particularly important to talk with these groups, sensitively, attentively and as equals. Only then will people feel able to share their views and perspectives.

Sabrina Fabian

Gilda Sahebi, Journalist Social media platforms are not transparent enough, and that means marginal groups are marginalised even further. 14:26