Letztes Update:

Flashlight II: Self-imposed guidelines are not enough

Regulation is a big area in need of work, says Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Director of Anti-Discrimination in the Directorate General of Democracy, Council of Europe.

Because self-imposed guidelines are just not enough when it comes to social media - we cannot rely on their regulations to protect all people. 

Sabrina Fabian

Flashlight I: International cooperation

Rita Hagl-Kehl sums up the discussions that have taken place so far. The Parliamentary State Secretary for Justice and Consumer Protection focuses on the international aspects:

We have to act together against hate speech – and beyond national borders. It was right to make fighting hate speech one of the key focal points for the German presidency of the Council of Europe. Because international collaboration and Europe-wide standards are needed, in order to counter hate speech effectively.

Sabrina Fabian

Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office Some of us may be guilty of hate speech, without realising it. 14:04

"Unboxing Hate Speech" draws towards a close

Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office also coordinates Germany's presidency of the Council of Europe, as special representative of the German government. He and the moderators of the different discussions at the "Unboxing Hate Speech” discuss the results of the afternoon's sessions. The next part of the programme looks at what civil society would like to see from governments and policy makers.

Felix Winnands