Letztes Update:

Day 2 – Time to relax

Time to relax after all that hate?

Time out with Anne Pütz as she guides us through a brief yoga session. The programme continues at 14.45 with a wrap up, asking, "What are the next steps at European level?"

Marcus Hammes


Day 2 – Specialist Workspaces: What can we do to fight hate speech?

Antifeminist hate speech online

#antifeminist Julia Bläsius focuses on gender policy at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and talks with author and advisor Anne Wizorek, and Svetlana Zakharova of the Russian LGBT network. Women are all too often faced with hate speech and attacks, in the real world and online. Because violence against women is a familiar problem, many accept it as a given. That makes it all the more important to address the issue and take action.

Felix Winnands

Hate speech against marginalised groups

#marginalisedgroups People who feel they are marginalised in society are often particularly vulnerable to hate. Gilda Sahebi, who heads the "No Hate Speech Movement" talks with Tímea Junghaus, director of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, and Juliana Santos Wahlgren, Senior Advocacy Officer, European Network Against Racism. 

Felix Winnands