Letztes Update:

What's drives hate?

Julia Mozer asks what are the drivers of hate speech? “We need to find out why people say particular things. Where is it coming from - what do they want to happen?” She hopes social media platforms can help make sense of this area.

Felix Winnands

Education doesn't stop at school

Digital Literacy is defined as the ability to navigate the digital world, find information, assess its value and participate. People need to be trained in these areas in order to establish a digital culture that's free from hate, says Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General of DG Democracy, Council of Europe. That means not only training and educating school pupils to take a critical view of what they see online and behave democratically. There are also initiatives to train teachers, journalists and people working for internet companies, too.

Sabrina Fabian

... and plays a key role

“I realise there's no mathematical formula," Karoline Edtstadler responded to Facebook's Markus Reinisch. “But this is a very challenging problem." And all approaches are needed to solve it, with education playing a critical role. 

Felix Winnands

Karoline Edtstadler, Minister for the EU and Constitution, Austria We need an international solution, a pan-European approach - there are no borders here. 11:03

Improving the algorithms

Besides teams of people who identify and delete hate speech, Facebook is also working on technical solutions. Improving algorithms to identify and block illegal hate speech is one of the ways the company is addressing the problem. 

Felix Winnands

Social media platforms' legal obligations

Social media platforms are obliged to remove illegal hate speech within 24 hours, under the Network Enforcement Act.

Sabrina Fabian