Letztes Update:

Policymakers can help companies with some of these questions

Facebook employee Markus Reinisch shares a perspective from tech platforms where comments are published. It isn't always easy to determine whether a comment needs to be deleted or not - and that is not only a matter of weighing up freedom of speech versus an individual's rights. Different societies have very different ways of dealing with particular topics. Some things can be seen as offensive in one place but that isn't necessarily a view everyone else shares. Companies don't want to be left alone with this kind of decision. 

Sabrina Fabian

Karoline Edtstadler, Minister for the EU and Constitution, Austria We need to involve all actors - that means the United States, too. 11:10

The age of the fact checker

Ensuring that discussions online stay respectful isn't something that can be achieved solely with classroom education. What's also needed are experts such as fact checkers who ensure that newspaper articles are factually correct. They can play an important role in online publications.

Sabrina Fabian