Letztes Update:

Nutmeg – Investment Opportunities for Everyone

Martin Stead is the CEO of Nutmeg. The business aims to make investment opportunities available to everyone: „Everyone should have access to high quality investment.“

Nutmeg addresses the needs of three major market segments:
1. The overcharged high net worth investors who have high costs, little transparency and often fight under performance
2. Poorly served mass-affluent investors who also face with high costs, high complexity and a poor UX (if using online tools)
3. Ignored mass-affluent savers who are scared away by the complexity and don’t have access to investment advices and are therefore excluded from the investment opportunities.

„Our experts create and manage a high quality portfolio – just like your wealth manager would do.“ A beautiful and transparent backend offers an intuitive and friction-free experience. But the company’s biggest advantage is it’s radical approach of cutting costs. „The only way to guarantee you a higher return on invest is to bring down costs.“

In doing so, Stead claims that Nutmeg is beating traditional wealth managers, month after month.

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Paul Knecht