Letztes Update:

Focus, focus, focus!

For Martin Willcox all comes down to one word: focus! Focus on the accounts, on the opportunities, on everything which can make a bigger difference toTeradata. The market is changing - and that is someting good, because it creates new opportunities and thus also more revenue and profit for Teradata. 

Important is only one thing: focus on the possibilities that really matter and that really create an impact for Teradata.

Dr. Diana Mantel

More about the Technology Sales Organization

What about the Technology Sales Organization? Martin Willcox came to give a key-note about that - and to answer all your questions here. And by the way: he loves German cars! 

But back to the new strategy: the ability to integrate data is not easy - but it is crucial for new analytics. And it means getting out of the old comfort zone to create new opportunities. 

Dr. Diana Mantel