Letztes Update:

Go Alex!

This was really a great throw-in, Alex - anybody looking for a new teammate in Basketball?

Dr. Diana Mantel

Q&A with Ruth Rudwick

And Bernd Hauck passes back - again to Ruth Rudwick! She is open to more questions - and one comes up: "What about the partnerships?" Ruth answers that it is important to look at the key partners and what they can bring - and how you can help them.

Dr. Diana Mantel

The line-up of Central Consulting Engagement Practice

Ruth Rudwick passes to Bernd Hauck - he will give insights how the new Central Consulting team is going to work. And he does it in a very practical way: introducing his team members in the audience! His line-up for Teradata's game in 2019 looks very convincing - it will surely score many goals! 

Dr. Diana Mantel