Letztes Update:

Last topic of today's program: The role of regulatory impact assessment for the young generation (youth-checks)

Rebecca Romes presents the effects of the youth-check and its contribution to a more youth-friendly legislation since its introduction in Germany in 2017.

The panel debates on whether we are experiencing a momentum towards a widespread introduction of regulatory impact assessments for the young generation in Europe. Katrīna Leitāne gives an overview about the role of the EESC youth group in this process.

Today's panel discussion ends with a summary of what an effective youth-check needs in order to make a meaningful contribution to youth-friendly legislation.

Evin Sari

The second discussion topic begins: The role of (national) youth strategies

What are the key elements of the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and how it can contribute to more youth-friendly policy making? The discussion focusses on what is needed for (national) youth strategies to have a real impact and support young people in their transition to adulthood. 

Evin Sari

First topic of today’s discussion: Challenges of young people growing up in the European Union

Our panelists Katrīna Leitāne (EESC Youth Group) and Biliana Sirakova (EU Youth Coordinator) debate on what the most pressing challenges for young people growing up in the EU are and in what ways they are affected differently than other age groups.

Rebecca Romes, Head of the ComYC, raises awareness on why policy-makers should care about young people´s perspectives, especially with regard to the decreasing trust of young people in governmental institutions.

Evin Sari


In his keynote speech "Mainstreaming young people's perspectives in policymaking - OECD evidence and good practices", OECD Policy Analyst and Programme Manager Moritz Ader introduces today's topic.

Evin Sari


Rebecca Romes, Head of ComYC, welcomes the audience and introduces our panelists:

Moritz Ader
is a Policy Analyst/Programme Manager at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He coordinates the OECD Public Governance Directorate's work on youth empowerment and intergenerational justice.

Katrīna Leitāne
is the President of the Youth Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The EESC is the first EU institution to introduce the EU Youth Test. The Youth Group is assigned to discuss the pilot opinions identified by EESC Sections that will be subject to the EU Youth Test as well as to nominate youth representatives ideally suited to contribute to the drafting of specific pilot opinions.

Rebecca Romes (KomJC)
is Head of the Competence Centre Youth-Check. She joined the ComYC in 2018 and has longstanding experience in the fiel of regulatory impact assessment.

Biliana Sirakova (EU Youth Coordinator)
is the first EU Youth Coordinator. Her aim is to strengthen cooperation between all Commission services on youth issues and to integrate the youth perspective into all relevant EU policies. She was appointed in 2021 and works in the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture at the European Commission.

Evin Sari

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