Letztes Update:

Here we go!

We are expecting an insightful session and want to discuss how governments can integrate young people’s perspectives in decision making. Various instruments such as youth strategies, youth-specific impact assessments such as the Youth-Check or opportunities for young people to participate will be discussed.

Get ready to be part of an impactful dialogue on the crucial role of young perspectives in policy-making! And since the event is planned as a fishbowl discussion, the open seats on the podium are yours.

Do you already know which topics will be particularly important to you in the panel discussion?

Evin Sari


Our moderator Janis Fifka is ready to guide you through this exciting online event.
As a participant, you can join the discussion with the experts on the podium and take part or submit your questions via chat. We look forward to your participation!

Evin Sari

A warm welcome

…to all participants of our digital fishbowl discussion "Policy-making for all: How governments can integrate young people’s perspectives in decision making"!

The event will start at 2 p.m.

Evin Sari


We are looking forward to an inspiring fishbowl discussion this afternoon. Together with our moderator Janis Fifka, we welcome questions from the audience in the chat and on the open podium seat. We also look forward to hearing from our four panellists:

• Moritz Ader (Policy Analyst OECD)

• Katrīna Leitāne (EESC Youth Group President)

• Rebecca Romes (Head of ComYC)

• Biliana Sirakova (EU Youth Coordinator)

Evin Sari

Register now!

It is still possible to register for the fishbowl discussion.

You have until the start of the event to register via event.jugend-check.de/registration/.

We look forward to your participation!

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