Letztes Update:

Second Pitch: LikeNow!

The second team developed the tool LikeNow! LikeNow! is developed for Alexa to make an instant interaction between listener and radio station possible.

"We think that radio is a community", says one of the developers to explain how the idea came up.

So what is the function of LikeNow!? By using the tool a listener can interact directly for example with the host of a radio show. If you listen to a song you can tell Alexa wether you like it or not. The host of an audio show can see the performance of the content he plays.

For the radio station this means: You can try out new things and see the reaction of the audience immediately. The audience can be part of the radio community and also open an individual list for favoured content.

Johannes Pucher

First Pitch: MySmartRadio

The idea offers a fully personalized radio stream on Alexa. The radio stream traditionally is made of different elements - like music, news, information, ect. All in a row.

But with this feature the user can evaluate, if he or she likes the program or not. If you dislike an interpreter, the stream will change the song for you.

The radio app can be activated by giving an order to Alexa: "Open MySmartRadio". For example:  "Alexa tell MySmartRadio: I hate this song". Alexa will excuse herself saying "Oh I am sorry" and will play another song. 

The architecture in the background is based on the cloud system of the amazon data base. The model will be shaped by the user's likes and dislikes, finally transforming a fully personalized radio stream.

Ornella Waechter