Letztes Update:

Coping with heat

Sendy Veerabadren explains more about the work of the French Red Cross. Before that stands the development of the right tools and technical resources. Developing a guide was one of the first steps, but also developing and promoting videos and more with information on how people and their communities can act while a heat wave strikes. “We have to learn to deal with different types of catastrophes”, explains Veerabadren.

Juliane Kemen gives insights into how older people deal with heat in the city of Cologne. “Our goal was the development of a health action plan for people older than 65”, explains Kemen. In Cologne, the different parts of the city are affected differently by the heat. In their project, they asked their test persons about their general health and what kind of symptoms they perceive during a heat wave. They also tried to find out more about their coping strategies. “Some of the underused strategies included cooling with water”, says Kemen. “They should be promoted more, whereas buying an AC should not be recommended.” More information especially about coping possibilities would be a huge advantage.

Dr. Diana Mantel

Participative approaches for increasing community resilience

How can local resilience be increased? The RESILOC project offers insights, given in this workshop. Focus lies on the multi-level governance perspective, to increase local resilience against natural disasters. These speakers will give advices:
  • Ramona Velea (Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia, Deputy Director/Senior researcher)
  • Karsten Uhing (Fraunhofer Institute, Project Manager)
  • Uberto Del Prato (IES Solutions, Managing Director)
  • Giorgia Kakovic (Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia, Researcher)
  • Paola Lorenzoni (Muncipality of Gorizia, Project Manager)

Dr. Diana Mantel