Letztes Update:

Starting soon: Opening Plenary

Join us for the first session of CBA16 at 9 a.m. BST. 

We will set the scene for this year's conference with interactive discussions where we invite you to explore what we can achieve during these two days.

How to join the plenary:

Follow this link to get to the plenary page.

When you're on the page, click the blue text link to join the session.

You will be automatically redirected to the session (in Zoom).

You can always use the menu at the top right of the screen to go to the Agenda and navigate to the sessions you want.

Annette McGill


CBA16 - Day One

What are we exploring at CBA16?

This year our theme is exploring the principles for locally led adaptation (LLA).

The eight LLA principles call on donors, governments, civil society and the private sector to change the way adaptation and development are practised. 

The principles seek to align funding behind the knowledge and priorities of the people who are most vulnerable to climate change; they are about creating the conditions for local people to be in charge of their own needs.

More than 80 governments, global institutions and local and international NGOs have already endorsed the principles.

CBA16 offers an opportunity for the global adaptation community of practice to come together to promote effective, locally-led climate action.

We will put the experiences and knowledge of local communities and practitioners at the centre of our thinking, grounding discussions in the practical realities of lived experience.

Join us to explore how we can put the LLA principles into practice, recognising the complexities, innovations and challenges that must be overcome.

Check out all the sessions here.

See you soon!

Annette McGill

Get ready for CBA16!

CBA16 kicks off tomorrow, Monday, with the opening plenary.

We'll be linking people from around the world for a highly interactive session. Join us to meet colleagues and learn about our aims for the conference.

Here is the plenary start time across different time zones:

The plenary will start at these times:
  •  9 a.m. UK BST (GMT+1)
  •  11 a.m. Nairobi
  •  4 p.m. Bangkok
  •  4 a.m. New York

Put a reminder in your calendar, and we'll see you there!

Annette McGill