Letztes Update:

Why should governments, banks and multilateral agencies attend CBA16?

In a new interview, we spoke with Vincent Gainey, climate resilience advisor with the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), about the value of participating in CBA16 and how this event relates to international initiatives such as the principles for locally led adaptation.

Find out what he had to say, and where to find him at CBA16.

Clair Grant-Salmon


Get ready for CBA16

Connecting with others at CBA16

While you are here why don't you start connecting with others who will be joining CBA16.

Head over to My Profile and complete the form with information about yourself, your areas of expertise and your interests. Agree to share this with other participants and submit. 

View the participant list to see who else is joining CBA16 and you can start chatting with those who you would like to know more about. 

We know that you like the chance to connect with others at CBA conferences and the opportunities it can open up when you share your work. So please take some time to make connections online during CBA16. 

Clair Grant-Salmon