They all sound great - which will you choose?
Session 6: Taking a Climate Justice approach to Locally-Led Adaptation
By presenting best practices of locally led initiatives and by advocating for a justice approach to the climate crisis, the panellists will demonstrate how those hit hardest by climate change are creating their own solutions for climate adaptation
- Click here for Session 6
Session 7: How is drug policy a barrier to climate justice?
The war on drugs is an ecological disaster and a serious barrier to climate change adaptation, mitigation and justice. People have always used drugs for pain relief, pleasure and as part of cultural practices. However, governments spend billions of dollars trying to create a drug-free world. Instead, they remove competition and…
- Click here for Session 7
Session 8: Engaging youths for effective locally-led climate change adaptation
This interactive session aims to create a space where youth voices and experiences of working with the principles for locally led adaptation can come together. We will use a jam board to collate ideas and experiences into one visual representation of youth experiences in transforming the principles into practice...
- Click here for Session 8