Letztes Update:

The golden word here is flexibility. And this is exactly what hybrid working models embody and co-working hubs offer a great possibility to live this flexibility up. The other perspective on flexibility at workplace is as Daniel posted it in our conversation: 'Allowing flexibility means that employers invest trust in their employees' which from my point of view is a very valuable statement that needs to be acknowledged at this point.
Several other, specific aspects go hand in hand with flexible working models, or rather form the required fundament: Without a culture equipped with strongly anchored values, trust and the right, forward-thinking mindset, the establishment of flexible working is hardly possible. Agree?

But let's do a step behind: Impact Hub? Well, for those who do not know yet, here some side explanation:
  • Impact Hub is a worldwide association and global network of several hubs dedicated to letting people exchange, grow, innovate and this way benefit from each other's background, expertise and contacts, in the most common way organized as co-working hubs or spaces. As the name implies, the hub enables people to create impact in a business sense, but also on social level.
  • For instance, I was given a tour by Catalin around the building and was told that several areas / spaces in the past two years have either be used for Corona call centers or first-aid centers for Ukrainian refugees.

One thing I was really interested in and became central topic of Daniel's and my conversation was the question I raised on the innovation potential of Romania. Actually, one reason for choosing and doing that roadtrip route was the fact that from my point of view, Southeastern European countries are often underrated and underestimated regarding their potential to innovate, progress and anything related to digital innovation/ transformation. I have been eager to convince myself and others that this underrating does not comply with reality and well, anticipated: what I've seen is a lot of motivated people working in innovative hubs, connecting, collaborating and creating a community of exchange, with special focus on - but not solely - IT and software development which indeed are fields that are mostly assignable to more contemporary jobs and fields.

Michael Mirwald