In this session, the Nepal Red Cross and Mali Red Cross shared important learnings from their recent simulation on anticipatory actions. Both countries managed to organize simulations adapting to various levels of restrictions imposed by the COVID-19.
Mali Red Cross (MRC) organized a remote tabletop simulation to test Early Action Protocols (EAPs). It tested the National Society and IFRC’s ability to activate the EAP and standard operating procedures (SOPs). The simulation was organized before peak monsoon, which gave them time to revise their EAP and SOPs, ready for the coming monsoon. The team concluded that it was important to test the transfer of funds and identify a Plan B in case of delays. MRC’s contingency plan also needs to be linked with DREF or an emergency appeal to ensure immediate availability of funds due to a short lead time. From the exercise, MRC identified 12 clear and concrete recommendations that were used to refine the EAP. The exercise also gave the team the confidence to activate in real life, if needed. MRC plans to organize another simulation next year as well.
Nepal Red Cross (NRC) organized a hybrid model simulation where the participants were physically present while the control team was present remotely. Its objective was to test the capacity of the NRC and the local government to identify predefined triggers and its corresponding early actions. They also tested whether various social protection systems could be leveraged to take early actions. More specifically, whether the Social Security Allowance (SSA) program and its features - beneficiary list and their mobile numbers and SSA bank accounts - could be used for targeted early warning messages, early evacuation, early cash transfers etc. Lessons were used to refine the Early Actions jointly with the government. They will also be used to advocate for flexibility to ensure a Shock Responsive Social Protection system in the government’s cash guidelines.
There was a common understanding from both countries that the simulation was helpful in changing stakeholders’ perception from response to acting in anticipation. It also provided them with confidence to activate and take early actions.