Letztes Update:

Short circuit - the ideal failure for a simulation

„A short circuit can cause the breakdown of the entire system“, explains. Mr. Bierwirth. It leads to a voltage drop in the system which is critical for consumers. They will lose their functionality and ECUs will usually reboot afterwards and therefore be out of service for a couple of seconds.

Florian Bierwirth explains the fault simulation with DYMOLA. This simulation approach is based on the modeling language Modelica® and reveal the impacts on other devices in case of a short circuit.

Matthias Baumgartner

Exclusion of single-point of failures

Highly available systems have to keep their key functionalities available even during failures – without an immediate human intervention. These systems are becoming increasingly relevant as the number of electrical consumers and the number of automatic driving functions are increasing.
It leads to the requirement of redundant paths and sources as well as the exclusion of single-point of failures.

Matthias Baumgartner

Fault simulation on highly available power systems

Our last presentation for the conference is held by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gebert and Florian Bierwirth from the University of applied science Landshut. Their topic: How to deal with critical faults on vehicle power systems and how simulations compare to real measurements.
Prof. Gebert will also introduce us to their short circuit modelling with Modelica®.

Matthias Baumgartner