Letztes Update:
When it comes to anticipatory action, are we doing enough? Are we walking the talk? And if so, can we start running? In light of the investments that have been done so far, how much more needs to be done to scale up anticipatory action? Halima Saado - Kenya Red Cross Society, Head of Research and Learning at the International Center for Humanitarian Affairs (ICHA) 13:46
The poorest and more vulnerable are hit hardest, leading to record levels of humanitarian needs in decades. More can and must be done, but what will it take? Let’s make humanitarian assistance faster and more dignified by acting early on predictable crises. Phoebe Shikuku, IFRC Regional Office for Africa, DRR & FbF Advisor 13:42

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Meet the group of day 1 of the Africa Dialogue Platform!
All together, we can bring anticipatory action Africa to the next level.