Letztes Update:

That was "Unboxing Hate Speech"!

Together, during this two-day event, we've explored the toxic issue of hate speech. We've learned ways to counter hate online, mapped out the legal framework and learned more about pan-European approaches to deal with the problem. "Together" is one of the key words of the conference. "We need you all when it comes to figthting hate speech," says Minister of State Michael Roth. Policy makers and organisations acting on an international level, but also police, citizens and the judiciary can all play a part in ensuring there is greater respect online. 

By the way: A team of journalists produced this and the German-language live blog, following the conference minute by minute to share updates on "Unboxing Hate Speech." Sabrina Fabian, Marcus Hammes and Felix Winnands wrote the German texts, Elias El Ghorchi took the photographs, while the videos came from Frank Schnelle and Frieder Aurin. Katrin Rulle and Allison Williams handled the English texts. 

Thanks for reading this and joining us on this journey! See you next time!

Marcus Hammes

Great team!

Many thanks to everyone for all your hard work in preparing this conference!

Marcus Hammes


Day 2 – Wrap Up: What are the next steps at European level?

We need a stop sign

The Minister of State calls on everyone in society to do more to counter hate speech. "We can't leave minorities in society out in the cold," he says. What's needed is a stop sign, to say no to hate speech, lies and deception - and a clear show of solidarity with the victims. "We need everyone to get involved!"

Felix Winnands