Letztes Update:

What needs to happen at schools

Schools should also teach media literacy, says Stefanie Fächner of the State Media Authority of Rhineland-Palatinate - but often, teachers don't see the issue as part of their responsibilities. "But it's an issue that needs to be addressed throughout the whole school."

Felix Winnands

Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office We cannot allow ourselves to be destroyed by a radical minority. 14:50

Data and convictions

The number of crimes that goes unreported is still too high, according to Michel Roth. Women need to be supported when it comes to reporting crimes. And encouraging women also means changing perceptions about them - we need to recognise women as participants in public discourse. Quotas are controversial but they can be a step on the way towards gender equality.

Sabrina Fabian

Legal frameworks

For Michael Roth, hate speech is a particularly important issue for Germany's presidency of the Council of Europe, because the EU and Council of Europe are "the key regulatory frameworks for creating laws against hate speech."

Felix Winnands

Julia Bläsius, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung We need reliable data that establishes links between anti-feminist hate speech and crime. 14:36

Tell it like it is

Michael Roth wants to reclaim terms such as "feminism," as feminism in particular is increasingly stigmatized as a battle cry. People can't just stand by and allow feminists to be ridiculed. 

Sabrina Fabian