Letztes Update:

Starting the day with some guitar music

Good morning and welcome to the second day of the conference, where we will continue Unboxing Hate Speech shortly. For now, we're enjoying the welcoming music by Israeli guitarist Tal Arditi.

Sabrina Fabian


Day 1 - Digital expert meeting

Looking forward to day 2

The second day of the conference opens with key insights into the situation in different European countries. Martin Schulz, President of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will open the event, followed by a discussion of hate speech online with Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection Christine Lambrecht. Participants will then break out into smaller groups to continue discussing the issue, before Minister of State Michael Roth wraps up the event. The second day of the conference is open to the public and you can follow the events by livestream. 

Felix Winnands

Countering hate speech with solidarity

Alongside the question of political frameworks, it's also important to consider how far civil society can counteract hate speech. On the first day of the conference, the participants agreed that a key role is to organise a united front against hate speech.

Felix Winnands

Simone Rafael, Amadeu Antonio, foundation and moderator I hope the politicians will listen carefully, as there were a lot of good ideas and suggestions today that it would be great to put into practice.  16:51