Letztes Update:

In-depth discussion in smaller groups

What are the best strategies for countering hate speech? What conditions do we need to establish in order to successfully counteract hate speech? What kind of political framework is necessary? Experts from throughout Europe broke out into smaller groups to talk in greater depth about how to deal with hate speech online and in the real world. Discussions during the second day of the conference will focus on their proposals. Some of the proposals discussed in the smaller digital meetings included more regulation, greater compliance and improving transparency.

Felix Winnands

Differences throughout Europe

Hate speech, whether targeting individuals or groups, online or offline, is not just a problem for individual countries, something that became clear during our discussion involving 50 experts from across Europe. That's why international cooperation is needed on a European level, in order to counter hate speech in a meaningful way. But there is a long way to go before this is the case, as it became clear through the discussions that there are still major differences between the different countries in Europe, with widely differing laws. There are significant differences in terms of the strength and power of civil society initiatives throughout the bloc.

Felix Winnands

An overview of the issue

The publication accompanying the event provides an overview of the current state of research into the issue, and the situation throughout Europe, in English and German.

Felix Winnands

Hanna Gleiß, "Das NETTZ" project team and moderator Hate speech is a growing problem that is increasingly affecting our political system. 13:19