Letztes Update:

Launching the conference

Before tomorrow's conference “Unboxing Hate Speech” opens to the public, civil society representatives from the European Council member states are talking online about their experiences of hate speech, discussing challenges and looking for solutions. On this first day of the conference, the aim is to develop recommendations for European policymakers. The conference is being hosted by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the German Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. Both ministers will join the conference on the second day to discuss these issues with participants. 

Felix Winnands


Looking ahead to the conference

Welcome to our blog!

Great to have you with us! Come back for more on Wednesday afternoon, 17.2, when our team of bloggers will be providing continuous updates throughout the two-day conference, with photos of what's happening beyond the livestream, video interviews with the guests and the latest exchanges in social media. Join us then - we're looking forward to sharing this with you!

Marcus Hammes