Letztes Update:

Thinking about the Budget

There are still some barriers, but Peters emphasizes that constructive thinking is helping here a lot when the situation stagnates. Lebanon is dealing with many problems in the moment: "It is better not to think about the Nexus itself, but about the things that can be done." COVID-19 is having a huge impact on budget spending, what of course has an impact on further DRR projects and their budgets. "Risk financing is a topic we have to think much more about", tells Peters. This is an important goal for the future. 

Dr. Diana Mantel

Visions and Engagement

"It is important to have an long-termed vision", emphasizes Hickel. "And the other crucial thing is: You have to start from the commmunity level." And she adds: "The people in Lebanon are the experts." The time frame was planed to short at first, there had to be more time planed in. 

Peters tells more about her research in Lebanon: There was a case study, and what Peters emphasizes: the Lebanon was never seen as a country of conflict, but there were many disasters even before the explosion, like landslides. But people in Lebanon were not so interested in disaster risk reduction or management. "Lebanon shows how much can be achieved", tells Peters. And there is still a lot to be done. 

Dr. Diana Mantel