Letztes Update:

Ecommerce, Marketplace & Classifieds - Day 2

Event Inc - Creating the perfect Event

Unfortunately many events "suck", as Paul Hermann (CEO) of Event Inc explains. For many people organizing corporate events and conferences is hard, especially parallel to their normal work, and creating "marketing venues online is difficult and increasing occupancy a challenge." Because of that Event Inc offers these costumers always the right venue, and it reduces time for searching and costs - first bookings are even for free. 

They also provide additional services when they are needed. The MICE market itself is huge - and it showed a growth from 47% from 2009 to 2019. Nearly half of it consists of conferences and meetings, and one third of a all hotel nights are MICE related. There is no stop in sight - and that makes this market so interesting for investments. 

Event Inc is ready to scale. 88% of all companies stayed after 24 months - and even an increase of price didn't stop them. Currently Event Inc is thus expanding to an international market. "We have started with London", explains Hermann. And this is just the beginning...

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Dr. Diana Mantel