Letztes Update:

Fintech & Insurtech


Our last covered presentation at this stage comes from BitBond. The company claims to be the first ever global SMB lending platform. As an international platform it operates in over 80 countries. The underlying layer is powered with blockchain technology and the company is an officially BaFin regulated institution. 
„Fixed income investing sucks“, opens Radoslav Albrecht, the CEO of Bitbond, his presentation. Fixed income generates low return rates and is inconvenient because in many cases it is not liquid.

Bitbond reinvents how bonds work:
The company claims to offer a high yield asset with positive returns, combined with a real security.
The fungibility problem of fixed income investing is solved by using a secured and fixed digital token (the BB1 Token) that can easily be transferred in peer-to-peer transactions with no service provider involved.

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Paul Knecht


Sofie Quidenus-Wahlforss is the CEO of omni:us. The company aims at offering a personalized experience to the policyholders of insurances by exploring the full potential of real-time data. Insurance customers are usually not proud to talk about their insurance: „The reason why policyholders don’t churn is not because they’re satisfied but because there is no alternative“, explains Quidenus-Wahlforss.
„When we talk to insurances they tell us that they’re in the middle of the digitization, but they really are mostly working on a process automation and are far away from utilizing AI to create a more personal customer experience.“

To transform the processes of insurance companies from process to data-driven, omni:us has developed pre-trained AI modules who can do document and page classifications, entity recognitions, template alignment and handwritten text recognition. Quidenus-Wahlforss claims that their platform can run, train, predict, validate and re-train workflows for any AI task.

„We enable insurances to become more speedy, fair and transparent, more human, more intelligent and preventive as well as enabling them to offer a truly personalized customer experience“, ends Quidenus-Wahlforss her presentation.

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Paul Knecht