Letztes Update:

CityBee about the Future of their Car Sharing Service

Now it's up to Lukas Yla (CEO) to present his car sharing company CityBee.
"We are amongst the most successful car sharing companies in Europe!", Yla points out in the beginning. In 2018 CityBee had 1600 000 rides with 1200 vehicles provided by the company.
Especially proud is Yla about the Porsche 718 Boxster in his car fleet. "Insurance, gas, wash, everything is included in our price", Yla explains. 2013 the car-sharing service started in East-Europe.

"Different cities have different needs for mobility", this is why CityBee extended their mobility services also to bikes and electric kick-scooters.
For Yla the two pillars of his company are the product or technology and the community. "It's important for us to create a lifestyle, to make car sharing sexy for everyone!", Lukay Yla says.

For the future CityBee seeks to expand its markets but also starts a car pooling service, as well as an App-implemented smart routing and demand forecasting service. 

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Josephien Albrecht

Movinga, easy Removals for busy People!

Dennis Gneuss, CDO of Movinga, is rising the word for his company presentation now. Movinga is an online provider for removals and aims to bring the moving process into the 21st century. According to Gneuss the industry of removals is broken because they are not able to digitalize. Customers can look online for moving companies but in the end, they still have to call them offline and organize offline. "Who of you knows the names of any moving companies? Most of you probably don't know any at all. We want to become this well-known name", Gneuss explains the mission of his company. Since 2017 Movinga is constantly growing, goals for the future Gneuss sees in a local real-time moving App that makes it easy as ordering an Uber to order a moving service. Movinga also aims to enter new markets and to become the number one moving service in Europe.

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Josephien Albrecht