Letztes Update:

Cars24 about their unique selling point in India

With Cars24 Mehul Agrawal (Co-Founder & COO) presents now another marketplace for used cars. 
Cars24 is India's biggest used car selling platform.
"The Indian used car selling market remains highly fragmented but unorganised", Agrawal explains the situation of more than 40.000 small sellers who control more than 70 per cent of the market share in India. "There is no organized player of size in India when it comes to used cars", says Agrawal who aims to change this situation with Cars24.

"On the seller's site are a lot of unsecurities when it comes to selling the car, they don't know which buyer they can trust, how to find them and if they end up getting a fair price", states Agrawal when it comes to seller's problem. Cars24 provides them with more than 150 inspection points in 35 cities where they can book an appointment and get a fair and honest inspection that is uploaded together with a recommended price to the Marketplace App.
For the buyers it's even easier, they view the auctions on their app, participate them and get the car delivered to their doorstep - "Your life has been simplified a lot when you use our app, all you need to do is to find a new car, pay the price and wait for it to arrive", Agrawal explains the simple process Cars24 provides for their customers.

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Josephien Albrecht