Letztes Update:

The Work of an Artist in modern Times

But what about the artist? "The business model for the artist has changed", says Haver. "It is important not to rely on one song you made." Live music is important here, too, especially for events and festivals. "It's about experience", explains Almgren, "we not only provide the music service but also venues across the globe." 

Is there more music than before? "Definitely yes", says Borrie, "there are new markets, new fans, new kinds of music, like in Africa." And more music means also more opportunities - especially for the artists.

Dr. Diana Mantel

The Sound of Business, Art and Emotion

Soundry cares for the perfect music for your business, as Almgren explains. But flexibility is not only important in offering the right music, but also in the pricing: "We are soundtracking the world! Especially millenials are interested and like this flexible business model." Distribution is here an important topic, too. Borrie's Pirate Studios don't want to become a label, but they focus on connecting the artists. 

"We habe the privilege to work with so many artists", emphasizes Haver. "With new ones and with famous ones. Almost all professional artists use our sounds. Accessibility is here very important." For Native Instruments this means not only digital accessibility, but also physical, like it happens with Pirate Studios - a perfect place for collaboration! 

"We take a track and put it on our ecosystem, and then we let it use one of our YouTubers - when a lot of positive comments are coming, we put it on the platform", explains Almgren. The difference is, that today not the radio puts it in your ear, but there is an emotion which brings it to you first. 

Dr. Diana Mantel