Letztes Update:

One Decision - many Consequences

For Urs Meier the decision not to give a goal for England in a game against Portugal had huge consequences. This decision was often discussed and made many people very angry - of course especially British fans. In the end England lost the game in a penalty shooting - something that made him get thousands of angry mails and even deth threats afterwards. British reporters camped in front of Meier's house and wrote many villainizing things about him. 

Dr. Diana Mantel

It is your Decision

Well, what has all that to do with business? There are also rules, and you have to follow them. And as a referee: "The decision is yours!" All this decisions have to be made very fast - so he tests the audience by showing it some examples of difficult decisions on the field - e.g. goal or no goal? It's the same in business: some deicisons aren't easy, but have to made very fast. 

Dr. Diana Mantel