Letztes Update:

Making it to the Champion League

But what are the principles for planning the Adapted Accounts? Christian Schwoebel puts up four:
  • Think big 
  • Aim high
  • Go wide
  • Plan Deep
And he also adds: "The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression - but you will make it anywhere close to the Champion League!" So planning is crucial - even if it makes you worry more beforehand. 

Dr. Diana Mantel

Different Goals, different Challenges

Cars are sexy - other automotive parts or other manufacturing often not in the same way. That of course doesn't matter for Teradata, caring the same about every client. And there are surely different challenges, but also different goals for every company. Balancing the work for every client is important - and is based on a strong line-up.

Dr. Diana Mantel