Letztes Update:

Jumping on the next level

Christian Schwoebel uses a special tactic for presenting his team: he gets them all on stage and let’s them talk themselves about their special projects. “Now it’s up to us to jump on the next level together”, explains Christian Wagner, team Auto&Manufacturing. There are many challenges lying ahead - but the perfect line-up is there.

Dr. Diana Mantel

Meet the Team Auto&Manufacturing

Now it's Christian Schwoebel's time to present the team Consumer Auto&Manufacturing - he's a Dortmund fan, by the way and brings 19 years of experience of working in the automobile industry with him. There are several big brands customers in this team, like Porsche, Audi, BMW, Continental or Daimler - some of the sexiest Megadata companies in Automotive & Manufacturing.

Dr. Diana Mantel