Letztes Update:

Only 17 hours to go...

Day 2: after 25 hours of hacking, the teams are still 100% focused and building prototypes. Only 17 hours to go...

Tea Böhm

Today is all about prototyping

Day 2: teams and challenges are set – now it is time for more coding and prototyping. In the meantime our mentors are offering assistence to the participants. 

Tea Böhm

Implementing Fraunhofer technologies

Starting day 2: today Fraunhofer researchers are giving sessions on different technologies that might provide assistance for the teams to solve the challenges. Dr. Alexander Scherrer is entering a dialogue about his TherAssist technology and concludes that presenting his idea, he was able to give valuable impulses for the participantes and that the teams created analogies to their challenges and potential solutions.

We can't wait to see what will become of the collaboration!