Letztes Update:

Join the sense!


There are two possibilities to join Ashoka:

  1. Financial support as an investor and opening the doors
  2. Joining the "carry for good"-Pledge: This pledge is supported by Klaus Hommels (Lakestar). With the pledge participants promises to donate a certain percentage of their time for social entrepreneurs.

"Why should you invest?", asks Scheffelmeier, "Very easy: because it makes sense!" 

Dr. Diana Mantel & Paul Knecht

Three reasons why you may want to care about social entrepreneurship:


Why you should care about social entrepreneurs? Here are three good reasons:

  1. Future markets have often been pioneered by social entrepreneurs.
  2. Many of them are non-profit but with a possibility for financial return.
  3. Social entrepreneurship is now on the government’s agenda and being pushed.

Paul Knecht