Letztes Update:

Coming up: our last set of parallel sessions

Starting at 12 p.m. (UK BST), we have these sessions:

Session 13: How should local governments change to put LLA into practice?
Involving the local government representatives in planning and implementation is central to the locally led adaptation process. This session will focus on identifying the gaps and challenges in making the system more effective and share best practices. We will hear from local government representatives and participate in an exciting dialogue between local government practitioners and policymakers, giving a clearer picture of existing practices and policies.

Session 14: Locally-led adaptation solutions to tackle loss and damage
Organised by the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition (LDYC), Kenya Environmental Action Network (KEAN), Loss and Damage Finance Now and The Green Protector (TGP), this session will seek to define Loss and Damage and explore the LLA principles with links to the Loss and Damage Finance facility. 

Session 15: Bridging the barriers to upscaling of CBA
Upscaling community-based and gender-just adaptation initiatives is key to the success of locally led adaptation. But upscaling remains challenging, due to barriers ranging from a lack of access to finance and political will to measuring CBA impacts.

This session will bring together CBA champions from Cameroon and Kenya and speakers from the Adaptation Fund, the Asian Development Bank, the Climate Justice Resilience Fund and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency to discuss what s needed to overcome barriers and explore how the LLA principles help upscale CBA.

Annette McGill