Letztes Update:

Making Better Decisions with data supremacy

How do companies need to Compete for data supremacy?
  • Start with Analytics
  • Build dynamic feedback loops and signal intelligence
  • Automate precision decisions
  • Improve decision velocity with AI and automation
By following these four steps, Ray assures us that our decisions will be more informed, more precise and more rational. You can build data-driven business models in any industry: Use performance data and build out customer experience monitoring. You can use the big data context to improve analytics insight to make better decisions.

Paul Knecht

Every business faces a confluence of crises with factors out of our control and the volatility is not going away. But every business is now a data driven business and we can control our data to have a chance at winning in these crises. 16:15
Ray uses the example of a toaster warranty on how data driven business models can be useful in any industry. With toasters the data from different locations on the warranty card can show important usage patterns and improve the process from data to better decisions.