Letztes Update:

Innovators in the Field: Suramericana


Jaider finishes with an overview of the project's impact:
  • Generate prioritized customer prospects for profitability, loyalty and cross-selling over the next 5 years.
  • Increased sales effectiveness and decreased product cancellations.
  • Identifies the sequence of the next best action for purchasing and canceling products.
  • The best sales channel is recommended to develop, retain and make a customer profitable.
  • Generates prioritized prospects for ex-client recovery.
  • Additional benefits were given to clients who have a higher PCV and manage the risks of negative PCVs

Paul Knecht

Teradata and its team of consultants made this project possible by using the Teradata ClearScape Analytics capabilities within the Vantage analytics and data platform, since the database was processed internally using R/Python in a record time of 5 hours, while on a desktop computer it took 4 years. Without Teradata the project would not have had the impact it has. Jaider Jimenez
BI and Analytics Director, Suramericana