Letztes Update:

What is the Economic Outlook?

In this first presentation to kick-off our Rethink session, Eileen Burbidge, Partner at Passion Capital, looks at the impact on the digital economy, and how businesses can leverage technology—and specifically data analytics—to help customers navigate change in today’s challenging times.

There are also insights into how businesses can drive innovation and growth, as well as predict trends, whilst maintaining operational stability and profitability.

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Dr. Diana Mantel

Time to Rethink

With key themes of Rethink, Empower, and Accelerate, Possible London promises to be an insightful and thought-provoking day. Everything is ready to go. It’s time to explore the exciting possibilities of data analytics. So, let’s start with a Rethink… Make sure you don’t miss a thing. It’s not too late to participate.

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Dr. Diana Mantel

Introduction Video

Find some more information in the video. 

Dr. Diana Mantel