Letztes Update:

Two PhD candidate about "What sparks joy in you?"
  • Sazzad Hossain from the University of Reading says that his favorite moments are when his forecasts can correctly predict rainfall.
  • Anna Lena Huhn says that facilitating cross-disciplinary dialogue, moving from dialogue to action, finding solutions to complex problems, seeing impact and joint vision-making and change make her happy.


Parallel session: Common Ground Dialogue - What is needed from the humanitarian/resilience sector with regards to application and use of natural and social sciences?

What do humanitarian/resilience practitioners like to take from the SHEAR work and from science in general in future projects? See some answers below.


"The biggest asset of SHEAR has been working in interdisciplinary teams. One of the highlights for me was work by the University of Durham, who as part of urgent grants after the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, strengthened the understanding on progression of landslide risk. This research created new datasets helping inform resettlement of vulnerable households to safe areas and financial support for reconstruction for the government of Nepal." Sumit Dugar, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Nepal 14:14
The biggest asset of SHEAR has been the platform to start conversations that weren't there before. In Kenya, institutions that hold mandates to produce information and the institutions that use the information are now coordinating their efforts better. Emmah Mwangi, University of Sussex 14:17