Letztes Update:

Parallel Session: Advances in forecasting and early warnings for local decision-making

Liz Stephens and Martin Todd are reflecting on the brilliant changes in forecasting that happend thanks to SHEAR and are combining it with a fun and interactive bingo.

"Decision makers have been able to do early action thanks to ForPAc and its early warning systems."

"A reason to celebrate is the collaboration between scientists and non-scientists in terms of bringing different expertise together."
- Irene Amuron

"It's amazing to see the connections and engagements between scientists, practitioners and governments. For the future we need to focus on how we can deepen these connections and facilitate more valuable links."
 – Lydia Cumskey


Parallel Session: Using improved exposure, vulnerability and hazard data for forecasting disaster risk today, tomorrow and beyond

During this session participants learned about fascinating advancements made by various projects in the SHEAR programme. Presenters explored their approaches and findings on data - taking participants from India to Southern Africa. The session covered a wide range of topics, from (gaps in) vulnerability data to novel approaches to analyse Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Nepal.

After these flash talks, the moderators turned the microphone to session participants - discussing experiences around innovative use of data and future funding priorities.

To access more information, please visit this Padlet.