For actions in anticipation of predictable hazards to be tailored to the needs and abilities of girls, boys, women and men respectively - a blanket approach is never good enough. Speakers in this session discussed the importance of the integration of Child Protection (CP) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) outcomes into anticipatory action - at the very minimum to do no harm, be more inclusive and ensure continuous access to basic services.
The panel consisted of speakers from IFRC, Plan International and UNFPA. They shared three captivating case studies from the Philippines, Bangladesh and El Salvador. In Bangladesh, localization and partnering with Women-Led Organizations (WLOs) was key to the success of the project. In the Philippines, the work done by Plan International focused on capacity building and creating an enabling environment to promote girls, boys and women rights and sustainability of the action. Finally, in El Salvador, Plan International has developed an innovative approach to identify and prevent girls’ and boys’ risks to engage in social violence, which includes the deployment of early warning for school dropouts.
The speakers also recognized the need to strengthen coordination and build a stronger evidence base for the impact of Child Protection and GBV in anticipatory action. They invited practitioners to join the new Working Group on Protection, Gender and Inclusion on the Anticipation Hub to collect, share, and learn from successful approaches around the world.